शुक्रवार, 10 जनवरी 2014

TA QP held on 10/02/2013 page 10

Page no. 10 of Territorial Army question paper, exam held on Feb - 2013
21.In which categories did Marie Curie win her two different Nobal prizes?
a. Physics and Chemistry                              b. Chemistry and Medicine
c. Physics and Medicine                                                d. Chemistry  and Peace
22.Wherewood Rowland who died in 2012, was a renowned as –
a. Physicist                                                          b. Chemist
c. Economist                                                       d. Indologist
23. Which one of the following is involved for desalination of sea water?
a. Reverse osmosis                                         b. Simple osmosis
c. Use of sodium aluminium                        d. None of these
24. Who is the author of the latest book “Anna: 13 days that Awakened India”?
a. Jahnavi Barua                                                                b. Padma Desai
c. Ajay Tiwari                                                                      d. Ashutosh
25. The theory of ‘survival of the fittest’ was propounded by-
a. Smith                                                                                b. Mandela
c. Charles Darwin                                                             d. Karl Landsteiner
26. The unit of classification of plants and animals is-
a. class                                                                                  b. Genes
c. order                                                                                                d. Species
27. Which reference to human nutrition consider the following statement?
I. Banana is richer source of carbohydrates than apples.
II. Banana contain some amount of protein also.
III. Spinach has no protein at all.
IV. Potatoes are richer source of protein than peas.
a. I and II                                                                              b. II, III and IV
c. III and IV                                                                          d. All

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