शुक्रवार, 10 जनवरी 2014

TA QP held on 10/02/2013 - page 5

Page no. 5 of Territorial Army question paper, exam held on Feb - 2012
energy and restore the many degraded ecosystems that sequester and store carbon, and buffer us from floods and droughts.
1. Choose the word from the passage which means green and flourish.
a. Sangargulu                                                     b. Verdant
c. Conifers                                                           d. Treeline
2. Word which implies a long difficult walk.
a. Trudge                                                             b. Straight up
c. Arithmetic                                                      d. Lead
3. According to the passage what stories unfolded as the author climbed up the Dachigam Sanctuary?
 a. of abundance of flora and fauna in nature
 b. of rare birds
c. of Hangul Deer
d. of deforestatation
4. A word from the passage that means a safe place.
a. Groves                                                             b. Spectacular
c. Sanctuary                                                        d. Retreat
5. A word that implies water.
a. Glacier                                                             b. Mist-laden
c. Aqua                                                                 d. Vistas
6. The endangered species of Dachingam is
a. Black Bear                                                       b. Sloth Bear
c. Viper                                                                 d. Hangul
7. In the passage the sound of the Dachingam Sanctuary are described in terms of
a. Buzz of Bees; shrill whistle of birds
b. Gurling of Stream
c. Ruckus of Monkeys
d. Grunt of Hungul

1 टिप्पणी:

  1. Manish, I have noted down the questions for terretorial army examination held on 9th Feb 2014. if you want to publish them please let me know I will send you email. my emali ID is chatterji.chanchal@gmail.com

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