I just finished the written exam for Territorial Army 2012
in Bangalore and thought of sharing the blueprint for the benefit of others.
I'm not going to say anything about Territorial Army, rather on the blue print
for its exam.
Format of the question paper..
The whole paper is divided into two parts -
Part I - 40 marks - To test your english skills and essay writing.
Part II - 60 marks - Objective type, a mix of questions from all
topics - Maths, logical ability, science, history, geography, current affairs,
corporate, politics etc.
To clear the exam, you need to get a minimum of 40% in each part - 16 marks in
Part I and 24 marks in Part II. Further, you need to take an agreegage of 50% -
50 marks in total.
Part I (40 marks)
a. Essay for 25 marks iou- There will be an essay to be
written in about 300 words and you'll get ample choices to choose from for this
essay. I got topics like Lokpal bill, AFSPA act in J&K, Aids, computer
education etc..
b. Fill in the blanks in a paragraph - 10 marks - You need to
read a short paragraph fully and fill in each of the 10 blanks with the right
english word. You'll have 4 choices for each word and this exercise will test
your english grammar and understanding capacity. I got an essay on stag which
fees proud about its beauty, but sad about its lean and bony legs, the para
goes to end stating that beauty is not important..
c. Meaning for words - 5 marks. You'll get 5 words and you need to
mark its meaning which is closest to it. I got words like tedious, paucity,
pacify etc..
Part II (60 marks)
You'll get 60 objective type questions from various streams.
Unless you are strong in current affairs, little bit of GK, politics, sports
etc.. a. 10 questions among this 60 would be on logical ability like patterns,
number sequence, word sequence, odd man out etc. Last 10 questions will be fill
in the blanks..
Some of the questions i got and which i could remember. all
these have 4 choices
1. first individual olympics gold medal winner of india.
2. where will 2016 olympics happen?
3. who is the author of saare jehan se acha
4. currency of banglaldesh
5. when does lunar eclipse happen?
6. manometer is used to measure what?
7. which indian state has border with myanmar?
8. nokia belongs to which country?
9. to whom does lok sabha speak render resignation
10. who is the chief commander of armed forces?
11. how are rajya sabha members elected?
12. who heads planning commission?
13. what is the highest award for military service?
Will update more when i remember..
Some of the Questions i got in fill in the blanks category..
remember there is no choice, you need to fill of your own..
1. Who is wikileaks founder?
2. Space launch vehicle used by ISRO in Apr' 2011
3. 193rd nation which was formed on 09.11.2011
4. shanti niktan was founded by?
5. what carries blook from body parts to heart?
6. how many permanent members are there in UN security
7. first governer general of bengal?
8. thein dam is on which river?
9. who got padma vibushan award for trade & industry in
10. one more i forgot.
General guidelines.
1. You should reach the venue at least 30 minutes prior to the start time.
Normally it starts by 10, so you need to reach by 9:30.
2. They provide drinking water, but it is advisable for you to carry water
bottle, to avoid the walking time.
3. Carry a cap or hat so that you can escape from the sun when you make you sit
in any of their army school's play ground.
4. Keep your mobile phone in switch off condition and keept inside your bag.
5. You can write in either pen or pencil, but the essay is best written with
pen. Do carry some pencils for rough work.
6. It is better you mark the answers in pencil and then make it fair by writing
in pen. They say mark wont be award if there are any erasures or over writing.
7. No negative marks, hence you can make your own guesses.
8. To prepare for the exams, keep yourself updated on latest trends and most of
the questions will be based on the last 6 months to 1 year events.