शुक्रवार, 10 जनवरी 2014

TA QP held on 10/02/2013, page 11

Page no. 11 of Territorial Army question paper, exam held on Feb - 2013

28. Which one of the following is a macronutrient?
a. Potassium                                                                      b. Manganese
c. Copper                                                                             d. Boron
29.  A colour-blind person has difficulty in distinguishing between which colours?
a. Black and Blue                                                              b. Green and Violet
c. White and yellow                                                        d. Green and Red

30. The blood pressure is the pressure of blood in
a. Arteries                                                                           b. Veins
c. Hand                                                                                 d. Heart
31. Malaria spreads through the vector
a. Tse-tse mosquito                                                        b. Culex mosquito
c.Aedes mosquito                                                           d. Anopheles mosquito
32.  Ornithology is the study of
a. Mosquito                                                                        b. Birds
c. Insects                                                                             d. Animals
33. Total numer of bone in the human skeletons
a. 208                                                                                    b. 300
c. 206                                                                                     d. 218
34. A band of white fibres which joins muscles to bone
a. Ligament                                                                         b. Tendon
c. Elastin                                                                               d. Actin
35. Rh – factor was first discovered in
a. human male                                                                  b. Human female
c. dog                                                                                    d. Monkey

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